Exeter Universities’ Radio Stations’ Blog (est. 2009)


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Monday 8 February 2010

1400 Show With Josh and David

Currently Listening to: Jonny Flynn-The Box
This new blog post relates to a feature entitled "Surrogacy" on the Josh and David 1400 show on XpressionFM.

The concept is that each week a different female is interviewed as a potential candidate to be the surrogate mother for David's child. Each week the interviewee is set a different challenge, and then are scored out of 10 for their efforts. For a period of a week, interviewee Becca Attfield, was given a bag of flour to look after, as if it was her child. She was told to keep the flour baby near to her at all times, to show what kind of a mother she was, and so that her caring instincts could be judged. Below are the results of her week with a bag of flour.

And here are a number of pictures of Becca Attfield herself being irresponsibly drunk.

Let us know how you think Becca performed as the mother to a bag of flour by commenting below. Additionally, check out the podcast of the 1400 show with Josh and David at www.xpressionfm.com/podcasts

Coming up in the next blog: Information about XpressionFM's coverage of the Guild Elections

1 comment:

  1. Ridiculous! What outrageous drunken behaviour! I however, am saintly and would touch such a thing as alcohol! I should win!

