Exeter Universities’ Radio Stations’ Blog (est. 2009)


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Wednesday 2 December 2009

Xpression Pantomime 2010!!!

Following the excitement and fun of the Student Radio awards, XpressionFM has not simply been standing still. No Sir, not on your Nelly! Having written a (65 page!!!) pantomime, we have now begun to, and indeed have almost completed recording all of the different sections.

This is the brief of the story and it gives a pretty clear indication about what it is all about.

The plot centres around many well known Exeter locations, both on campus and around the city. Our Hero, Calvin Williams, undertakes an adventure attempting to rescue the Sabbatical Officers from the Neighbourhood watch. They have been taken hostage due to the rowdy behaviour of the students. Can he save the University, and rescue his lost love Cinderella? Listen and find out.

So, yeah, lots of different sub-plots thoughtout the pantomime, based around well known characters and storylines that have been jazzed up for your enjoyment. For example, our take on the story of the three little pigs involves three fat freshers running away from the Big Bad Unite Wolf, who is trying to blow down their accommodation and replace them with overpriced townhouses.

Basically, if you love Exeter, enjoy all the in-jokes, the fact that Arena's music choice is so dreadful, the clear class divide in the university etc., then you will love this pantomime. Alternatively, if you hate all these things, still listen in anyway, maybe it'll change your overly negative outlook on life!

Throughout most of the recordings that have taken place, XpressionFM's very own blog photographer Becca has compiled lots of photos of the long hours that we have spent in the studio. Below are some of the photos of recordings. Click on the Flickr link on the right hand side of the page to see who they are and which parts they're playing.

We spent last night recording something rather special for the end of the pantomime. I mean I wouldn't want to give it away and ruin the excitement for you when you inevitably listen, but let's just say that we should all just BAND together, and realise that at some point in life, everybody needs AID, especially when you're TWENTY!!!

So the finished product will be released on Wednesday 9th December (to celebrate the fact that it is my birthday in 10 months), at 5pm (ish). Keep an eye on the Blog, or listen to XpressionFM at all times to find out more. Recording of the sabbatical officers should be happening tomorrow, if any photos are taken of this, I'll bung them up on here at some point.

In a bizzle,

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